Test your knowledge of Toxic Matters

To help people and families learn how to reduce their exposures to toxic substances, PRHE created Toxic Matters, a series of pamphlets, back in 2007. Since then, evidence about how toxic chemicals affect our health has continued to grow.

Our team, in collaboration with scientists at the EaRTH Center, Western States Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit, and Collaborative for Health & Environment, and with support from the UCSF Office of Sustainability, UCSF Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, Iris Cantor-UCLA Women’s Health Center, and SF Bay Physicians for Social Responsibility, revamped Toxic Matters to be more accessible, easier to use, and inclusive of the latest research.

Want to test your toxics knowledge? Learn the latest by taking our new Toxic Matters quiz.


Question #1

We are exposed to harmful chemicals in everyday products, as well as in:

  1. Air
  2. Food
  3. Water
  4. Homes
  5. Workplaces
  6. Schools
  7. All of the above

You can’t get this one wrong because harmful chemicals can be found almost everywhere. It’s one of the reasons PRHE works to urge policymakers and regulators to strengthen chemical protections.


Question #2

Toxic exposures can harm health and fertility. Who is most at risk?

  1. Pregnant people
  2. Developing fetuses
  3. Children and teens
  4. People already exposed to harmful chemicals and pollutants, such as those living near industrial plants
  5. All of the above

It might be no surprise that the correct answer is e. In addition to all of those listed above, people who have already been exposed to harmful chemicals, such as those who work in industrial plants, are also at risk. See the Work section of Toxic Matters for tips on how to mitigate exposures at work.


Question #3

What term do companies sometimes use to hide harmful chemicals in everyday products?

  1. Fragrance
  2. HEPA
  3. Recycled content

The correct answer is a. A loophole in product listing regulations allow companies to “hide” harmful chemicals behind the word “fragrance,” so we recommend avoiding products with “fragrance.” Choose products that are “fragrance free” rather than “unscented” as sometimes chemicals are used to hide smells.


Question #4

What year did the U.S. ban lead from paint?

  1. 1952
  2. 1964
  3. 1978
  4. 2008

The correct answer is c, 1978. If you live in a home that was built prior to 1978, it probably has lead paint. Toxic Matters shares advice for how to reduce exposure to lead.


Question #5

Which combination of products helps you to avoid harmful chemicals when cleaning?

  1. Bleach and water
  2. Vinegar and baking soda
  3. Soap and water
  4. Cheese and wine

Both b and c are correct. You can also refer to EPA’s list of EPA Safer Choice products.


Question #6

Why are dishwasher pods a problem?

  1. They are expensive
  2. They don’t clean dishes without a dishwasher
  3. They shed microplastics which pollute food and water
  4. What’s a pod?

The correct answer is c. Microplastics are a growing problem and affect our health. Learn more from a report on the subject PRHE prepared last year for the California Legislature.


Question #7

What is the best way to improve your home’s indoor air quality?

  1. Use air fresheners
  2. Burn incense
  3. Keep doors and windows closed
  4. Use a MERV13 or higher-rated air filters in your Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system

The correct answer is d. If you don’t have an HVAC system, use portable HEPA air filters or make a DIY air filter. And don’t use air fresheners or burn incense as both pollute indoor air.


Question #8

What is radon?

  1. A device police use to catch speeders
  2. A weapon used on Star Trek
  3. A colorless, odorless gas that can contaminate your indoor air
  4. The French word for radioactive

The correct answer is c. It’s also important to know that radon can cause lung cancer. Check EPA’s map of areas of the country where radon is a problem and test your home for radon.


Question #9

Many paints, glues, and flooring materials can release toxic chemicals long after they are used. What are safer alternatives?

  1. Crayons
  2. Log cabins and mud
  3. “VOC-free” and “water-based” paints or glues
  4. Not painting

We don’t know anyone who wants to paint their house in crayon, but c is technically the correct answer here. Also, if you are pregnant, don’t work on remodeling projects and stay away from recently remodeled rooms.


Question #10

Flame retardants can harm health and affect a child’s brain. How can you avoid flame-retardants in mattresses, upholstered furniture and carpeting?

  1. Use old sofas or bedding
  2. Don’t sleep
  3. Select foam products labeled as “flame-retardant free” or tagged as compliant with TB-117-2013.

Correct answer is c. Also check children’s sleepwear and avoid products that say they are “flame retardant.”


Question #11

Why is it important to never microwave or heat food or drinks in plastic?

  1. Heat can melt plastic 
  2. Heat can cause plastic to leech harmful chemicals like BPA or phthalates into food
  3. Hot plastic is not yummy

The correct answer is All the above. Even when directions say to microwave in a plastic container provided, transfer the food to a glass or ceramic microwave-safe dish first.


Question #12

What is the name of the toxic substance used in the lining of most cans?

  1. Melamine
  2. Albuterol
  3. BPA
  4. Tinnitus

The correct answer is c, BPA. Avoid canned foods and beverages to reduce exposure to BPA, which is an endocrine-disrupting chemical (meaning it disrupts hormone function) and is of particular concern in pregnancy and to child development.


Question #13

What percentage of plastic waste in the U.S. gets recycled?

  1. 80%
  2. 50%
  3. 23%
  4. 5%

The correct answer is d, between 5 – 6%. The truth is that most plastics are not recycled, and when they are recycled, they are typically burned, emitting harmful toxins in the air. So it is best to avoid plastics, especially single-use or disposable plastics.


Question #14

Which chemicals used in plastics are endocrine disruptors, meaning they interfere with hormones and hormonal function?

  1. BPA
  2. Dioxins
  3. Flame retardants
  4. PFAS
  5. Phthalates
  6. All of the above

Correct answer is All the above.


Question #15

How can you keep insects and rodents out of your home without relying on toxic pesticides?

  1. Clean up crumbs and spills promptly
  2. Store food in tightly closed containers
  3. Ask the bugs to leave nicely

We’ve never tried c, but the other options can definitely help.


Question #16

Due to fossil fuel-driven climate change, wildfires are becoming more common. What is a good way to avoid poor air quality?

  1. Live under a rock
  2. Become a mermaid
  3. Learn how to check the Air Quality Index (AQI) for where you live

The correct answer is c. Visit AirNow to monitor the air quality where you live and check Toxic Matters for more tips to avoid air pollution.


Question #17

Given that so many harmful chemicals are nearly impossible to avoid, individual actions only go so far in preventing exposure to toxic substances. What are other ways to prevent or reduce harmful exposures?

  1. Support organizations that work to reduce the use of harmful substances
  2. Register and vote
  3. Let your local, state and federal representatives know what you think
  4. All of the above

All the above is correct. Check out the new Toxic Matters for more info about a and b and find contact info for your state and federal representatives at usa.gov.

To learn more about how to avoid harmful chemical exposures, read the new and updated Toxic Matters webpage and our accompanying handout.